One of the priorities of our company is supporting women's entrepreneurship in rural areas.
In Uzbekistan, the share of women entrepreneurs is 25 percent of the total number of small business representatives; for our company, this figure is 51%. Of the total number of women entrepreneurs served by our company, 82% women are located in rural areas.
Despite the support for women entrepreneurs, there are a number of factors that hinder the active involvement of women in this area - a lack of start-up capital and a low level of legal, financial and digital literacy. Such factors significantly slow down the development of women's entrepreneurship.
Taking into account the above problems, our company has developed a separate strategy for the development of women's entrepreneurship.
We have chosen the most important direction: increasing the financial and legal literacy of women entrepreneurs starting their own business; creation of digital training platforms for the active use of the potential of social networks; regularly holding seminars and women's entrepreneurship weeks in mahallas, as well as startup competitions to support and encourage the business initiatives of our compatriots.
And to finance the projects of women entrepreneurs, they created a separate loan product “BIZNES XONIM”.

“Don’t give a hungry man a fish, but give him a fishing rod and teach him to catch.”
Increasing the standard of living of the population is the main goal of social policy and the main criterion of its effectiveness in any civilized country.
Poverty reduction is one of the most important components of achieving this goal.
Poverty affects a variety of areas of social life, having a detrimental effect on the development of a particular person, a particular family, and society as a whole.
Strengthening social protection of citizens and reducing poverty are identified as priority directions of state policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
One of the factors in reducing poverty is increasing the level of self-employment of the population. At the end of 2023, the unemployment rate in the Republic was 8%, of which the main share of unemployment occurs in rural areas of remote regions. In this regard, our company began to expand its branch network in remote areas of the country in 2019. To date, the share of issued loans to the company in the regions of the republic is 80% of the total number of all loans, and this figure is growing exponentially. To support the self-employed in the regions, our team introduced a new loan product “BIZNES HAMROH”, where the maximum loan amount is 300 million soums, the term is 24 months. A loan product “HOSIL” has also been introduced in the amount of up to 100 million soums for the development of cottage industries. Having received a loan, our clients can engage in cattle breeding, build greenhouses on their own plots or create other types of cottage industries.