Securities attractiveness rating


The Rating Agency "STANDARD AND SENSETIVE RATINGS" assigns an attractiveness rating for the securities of LLC "BIZNES FINANS MIKROMOLIYA TOSHKILOTI" on the national scale at the level (uz) "AA» based on the results of trading held by the Russian Stock Exchange “Tashkent” during the 1st half of 2023.

From the RA report “SNS RATINGS”:

“According to trading data RFB "Tashkent" BIZNES FINANS MIKROMOLIYA TOSHKILOTI LLC began to take part in bond trading starting in 2022. Thus, during the period January-June 2023, bonds of 7 issuers participated in trading on the Stock Market, including bonds of BIZNES FINANS MIKROMOLIYA TOSHKILOTI LLC. It should be noted that during the 1st half of 2023, in terms of the frequency of transactions, the MFO ranks first in the stock market.”

“In addition, the quoted price of MFO bonds is much higher than their nominal value, which indicates their attractiveness. Accordingly, the activity of trading in MFO bonds during the 6 months of 2023 contributed to increasing the attractiveness of the securities.”